18-25 Central strives to reach
college-aged students in Conway.
We encourage all 18-25 year olds to join us each week as we worship, fellowship, and share the gospel message together! We meet twice a week, both times we meet in our space that is across from the Cafe Connect coffee area. We meet for LifeGroup each Sunday at 9:45 AM throughout the year. This is a time of Bible study and group discussion. We invite you to join us for the 11:00 AM worship time that follows LifeGroup. You will find many of our college and young adults sitting on the left side of the balcony in the Worship Center. Mid-week worship meets each Wednesday through the school year at 7:00 PM.
This ministry is led by Michael Treat, Central's College & Young Adult Pastor. He has a heart for students and a desire to help them come to know Christ and mature in their faith. We would love to have you at Central! This is a great place to find friends, to serve in a local church, and grow deeper in your faith with Christ.
This ministry is led by Michael Treat, Central's College & Young Adult Pastor. He has a heart for students and a desire to help them come to know Christ and mature in their faith. We would love to have you at Central! This is a great place to find friends, to serve in a local church, and grow deeper in your faith with Christ.

Join Us!
Coffee Break
Join us in our worship space each Wednesday from
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM for Coffee Break. This is a time to hangout, study, or just get some good coffee!
3:00 PM to 7:00 PM for Coffee Break. This is a time to hangout, study, or just get some good coffee!
Midweek Worship
Midweek worship meets each Wednesday
through the school year at 7:00 PM.
through the school year at 7:00 PM.